
Normi is going to Barcelona this WE :-) yayayayaya cant wait....27 euros for the bus...back by train for 36 euros....hotel 4 stars 100 euro for 2 nights :-) too bad i dont have money...well anyways: who cares about money? :D too bad i have to skipp 3 courses at university on friday and saturday ;-) hehe....well gonna tell you more on monday....
gelbe Rose - 22. Jan, 21:10

send greets to the Park Güell and the Sagrada Familia, if you go there. And maybe... go to the Mare Magnum. Little shops, great bistro (I hope it's there where it was 5 years ago)
And one thing thats great is... the tower at Placa Cataluna!
Hope you enjoy it... and I want to know about it and about the boy...

Sonnenblume87 - 26. Jan, 17:10

Wie gehts dor? alles klar?? Hast du den Sturm gut überstanden?

Norman - 31. Jan, 14:12

Danke alles super! Hatte die woche ne erkältung, weil ein gewisser...erkältet war mit dem ich in barcelona war ;-(

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