
So...3rd day already and i start thinnking in french pretty weird i guess.
I went to university today but "sadly" ;-) the bureau erasmus is closed, so i gotta go there tomorrow (no classes today!!!)
And i also went shopping grocery today im just gonna chill a little bit and hit the gym later with david...

yesterday i went to the beach :P and i had pizza...and i realized that in france café is espresso and a normal café that d be café américaine....
Chanel - 5. Jan, 15:55

My my! You're already hitting the gym and stuff?! ;) You know, it sounds like you've been there forever! :)
And... "café américaine"?! Oh boy! :D

Sounds like you're already having fun! ;)
Can't wait to hear more stories.


gelbe Rose - 5. Jan, 21:59

Maybe it sounds like he'll be there forever...
And sadly, your day was much better than mine!!!
Maybe you can send a little bit of your sun to me. I'm cold!


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